Boobis Logo Turn-and-Talk
--and Type!

Directions. The student sitting on the left is Partner 1. The student on the right is Partner 2. Here's what you do:
1) Take turns discussing the topic given and make sure to listen closely to each other.

2) Partner 1 types the most interesting or important part of what Partner 2 said.

3) Then Partner 2 types the most interesting or important part of what Partner 1 said.

4) After reflecting on your discussion use the third box for new comments, questions, or insights you come up with.

5) Double-check your spelling and grammar before sending to me!
Name of Partner 1:
Name of Partner 2:
Topic or Title of Reading:

(Partner 1 types)
An interesting or important
idea Partner 2 said:

(Partner 2 types)
An interesting or important
idea Partner 1 said:

What new comments, questions,
or ideas do you have now
that you have talked together?
